The Federal Republic of Germany, commonly known as Germany, is a country in Western Europe, bordered by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west, by Austria and Switzerland to the south, by Poland and the Czech Republic to the east and by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea to the north. The democratic and social constitutional state is divided into 16 federal states. Germany is a founding member of the European Union and forms together with 18 EU member states a monetary union, the so-called euro zone.
The official Top-Level-Domain of Estonia.
## Domain Restrictions
- No domain name which is in contravention of public order or generally recognised moral standards or if it may mislead the public.
- Certain domains are blocked and these cannot be registered as a Domain Name. The list of blocked domains is published on the EIF website.
- Certain domains are reserved and these can only be registered as Domain Names under special conditions. The list of reserved domains and the special conditions for their registration are published on the EIF website.
- Legal persons cannot assign as admin contact
- - Only for companies (incorporated entities) as defined in the Commercial Code
- - individuals
- - self employed people (sole proprietors) as defined in the Commercial Code
- - for medical instituations
- The following status are not supported
- ClientDeleteProhibited, ClientHold, ClientRenewProhibited, ClientTransferProhibited, ClientUpdateProhibited
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Framförallt var det ett suveränt snabbt svar jag fick. Det tog inte tre minuter från att min fråga ställts!
Klas, Boxholm
Impeccable service, fast and exactly to the point. THANK YOU FREDRIK!
Johan, Chatswood
Snabb återkoppling och bra/pedagogiskt med en film som visade hur man skulle göra.
Maria, Nordingrå
Hahaha, nu skojar ni lite? Hur kan man bli bättre än en varaktighet på ett ärende som tog 0 tid? Nja, det är svårt att överträffa :-) Tack så mycket! :-D
Sofia, Göteborg
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